Water Harvesting Equipment and Recycling

Rainwater harvesting could provide up to half of your total water consumption! Protect your home by preventing gutters from blocking and flooding of leaves, also improves water quality and reduces tank maintenance. Recycle rain water to water your plants and garden!

We have a wealth of experience in rainwater harvesting equipment and look forward to assisting you with your needs!


Leaf Eater

The Leaf Eater® is the ultimate high performance rain head for use in heavy rainfall areas.

Not only does it protect the home by preventing gutters from blocking and flooding of leaves, the Leaf Eater® also improves water quality and reduces tank maintenance.


Leaf Eater Head
The Leaf Eater® is ideal for use purely as a debris removing device even when rainwater is not being collected. Leaves and debris that build up in gutters can be flammable and represent a significant fire risk. By screening leaves onto the ground, the Leaf Eater® prevents gutters from blocking and eliminates a fire hazard.
  • No more blocked gutters or flooded eaves!
  • Deflect leaves and debris away from the flow of water
  • Eliminate a fire hazard
  • Prevent debris, mosquitoes and vermin entering the water system
  • Improve rainwater quality
  • Reduce tank maintenance
  • Can be mounted at gutter down pipe or wall mounted
  • Can be painted to colour match the home

Leaf Eater Head application example


Leaf Eater For Enquiries/Orders please see our contact us page

Water Recycling Solutions are products that allow you to
reuse rainwater and grey water whenever you like.


The Rainwater Diverta™ is designed to divert water from the down pipe of a house or shed to the garden. The Rainwater Diverta™ reduces the need for fresh water in the garden - resulting in garden irrigation and savings on water bills.

Standard garden tap fittings, hoses and accessories can be used with this product.

Why the The Rainwater Diverta™ operates on the principals of gravity in place of a pump or alternative energy sources. This means that once the system is installed, no ongoing operational costs will occur.

The Rainwater Diverta™ enables plants to be watered, even during water restrictions without needing to install a tank.

The Rainwater Diverta™ is paintable which ensures that it will complement the existing colour scheme of the home.

Nylex rainwater DivertaT

Nylex Diverta For Enquiries/Orders please see our contact us page



N Q Environmental
Evolution Not Pollution

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